Joe Glynn then requested the report from the nomination committee for election of officers for the year 2001. Joe Scheff and Chuck Sakoski stated that they prepared their nominations based on the activity of the members over the past years and wanted to recognize the efforts of those involved. The nominations were:
Chapter Chairman - Joseph Glynn
Vice-Chairman and Treasurer - Mark Rutkowski
Secretary - Joseph Scheff
Board of Directors - Chester Brzostek
Board of Directors - Barry Erick
Board of Directors - Robert Folmar
Board of Directors - Jon Koons
Board of Directors - Michael Morkavage
Board of Directors - Charles Sakoski
Board of Directors - Peter Sakowski
Board of Directors - Ronald Schacht
Board of Directors - N. Clifford Smith
It was noted that the new officers and Board of Directors would also serve as a program
committee. There are 12 members to the Board and officers, and everyone should work to
organize one meeting program per year. The nominating committee also wished to recognize
those members that have reached a high level of respect by supporting our chapter
throughout the years, but no longer are able to actively participate, they are:
Director Emeritus - Charles Morgan
Director Emeritus - Joseph Risse
Director Emeritus - Chester Sawicki
Director Emeritus - George Seymour
Joe Glynn then requested any other nominations from the members, none were offered, and
the nominations were approved as read.
Following the business portion of the meeting all in attendance enjoyed an extended
evening of fellowship and conversation over a fine meal.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held a business meeting at Litton EDD, 1035 Westminster Drive, Williamsport, PA on September 18, 2000. The meeting started with a very interesting presentation by personnel of Litton explaining how Litton started manufacturing and marketing to the broadcast industry. This was followed by a very informative tour of their manufacturing facilities. At the conclusion of the tour a short business meeting of SBE was conducted. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Joe Glynn at 8:40 PM. The reading of the minutes and the treasurer's report were dispensed with due to time limitations.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held a business meeting at the Luzerne County Fair Grounds in Dallas, PA on July 2, 2000. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Schacht at 10:05 AM. Treasurer Mark Rutkowski read the minutes of the previous meeting. There were approved with one minor correction. Mark also presented a Treasurer's report indicating that the balance in Guaranty was $881.00. Expenses this period were $ 22.25 with income of $ 183.25 leaving a balance of $ 1042.00. Treasurer's report was accepted as read.
Concerning old business Mark mentioned that one honorary book has been ordered to be placed in the Luzerne County Community College Library. Another will be placed in the University of Scranton Library. A third has not yet had a library selected. In other business, a motion was made by Mark Rutkowski and seconded by Joe Glynn to change the printed mailings to a postcard format. The entire newsletter would continue to be placed on our web site. Sponsors would continue to be mentioned on web site, email and the printed post cards. The motion passed on a trial basis after a brief discussion.
Ron Schacht (in his capacity as frequency coordinator) noted several interference issues from PCS telephone service in the TV ENG spectrum. He has been working to attempt resolve these problems. There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close at 10:20 AM. The membership then toured the Murgas hamfest / computerfest.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held a dinner meeting at the Mark II Restaurant in Moosic, PA on May 22, 2000. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Glynn at 8:15 PM. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Jon Koons and Treasurer Mark Rutkowski indicated that the balance in Guaranty was $995.23. Expenses this period were $114.23 with income of $0.00 leaving a balance of $881.00. Minutes and Treasurer's report were accepted as read.
Concerning old business Mark mentioned that only one survey concerning meeting times had been returned and that an E-mail version of the survey would soon be completed. There being no further business this portion of the meeting was brought to a close.
The program for the evening was a dinner honoring three long time members for their service and contributions to the SBE. Joe Risse, Charlie Morgan and Chuck Sakoski.
Joe Glynn presented Charlie and Chuck with a plaque and also announced that the Chapter was purchasing a book, to be selected by each of the honorees, which would then be placed in the library of their choice. Joe explained that Joe Risse was in the hospital and obviously could not attend the meeting but that our thoughts were with him and wished him a speedy recovery. At the conclusion of the presentations Joe Glynn adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held a meeting at the Luzerne County EMA building on March 6, 2000. Chairman Schacht brought the meeting to order at 7:40 PM. Secretary Jon Koons read the minutes of the last meeting and Treasurer Mark Rutkowski gave the treasurer's report. Mark indicated that the previous balance in Guaranty was $1236.10. Expenses this period were $360.87, income $120, leaving a balance of $995.23. Expenses broke down as follows: Christmas party $184, general expenses $4.77, refund $13.33 and Ennes donation $158.77. Income was as follows: Ads $80.00 and Christmas cash receipts $40.00. Minutes and Treasure's report were accepted as read.
Under old business Mark Rutkowski said that only two meeting time surveys had been returned so far. An E-mail version of the survey will be out soon. Under new business Ron Schacht requested that a meeting be set up between the TV stations in this market to discuss how to resolve interference in the 2 GHZ band. There being no further business this portion of the meeting was brought to a close.
The program for the evening was a tour of the Luzerne County EMA building conducted by Al Bardar followed by a discussion of county level EAS alerts. The discussion was headed by Joe Scheff from Luzerne County 911 center. Joe was joined by Al Bardar, Luzerne County EMA and Bob Flangin, Lackawana County EMA. The discussion centered around the type of alerts to be originated by the counties and the best way to get these alerts to the local broadcast stations. The idea of combining the Luzerne County and Scranton operational areas was also discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
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