The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:05 PM
Minutes of last meeting and treasurer's report: In order to leave enough time for the presentation, it was decided to forgo the minutes and treasurer's report.
Old Business: RF Exposure survey "group buy". It was decided to have a seperate meeting of the Penobscot Mountain radio users to coordinate this.
New Business: None
Presentation: Larry Thorpe of Canon USA gave a presentation of the design critera for HD TV camera lenses.
On display were three canon products, a full sized studio camera HD lens assembly, a minaturized studio version that still had very good performance at reduced cost and a still smaller
EFP HD lens unit. Each was demonstrated on a Sony camera and attendees were given the opportunity to try out each lens.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
secretary, SBE chapter 2
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 12:05 PM
The minutes of the January 2006 meeting were read and approved
Treasurer's Report: The beginning balance was about $1500, after the expenses of the January meeting there was $1380.74. This balance was transferred to a bank closer to the treasurer's home.
Old Business: RF Exposure survey "group buy". The major Penobscot Mountain radio users had already done their own study. The lower power users could envoke the 5 percent rule, saving them the expense of a major study.
New Business: Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was decided to donate the surplus in the chapter treasury to two local schools for a scholarship fund. $250 to Luzerne Community College and $250 to Johnson College.
Presentation: Representaves from Panasonic gave a presentation on two HDTV cameras, one a studio/EFP camera and a smaller less expensive EFP/ENG camera.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
secretary, SBE chapter 2
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 7:05 PM
The minutes of the February 2006 meeting were read and approved
Treasurer's Report: There was no financial activity for Chapter 2 since the last meeting.
Old Business: $250 has been donated to Luzerne Community College and $250 to Johnson College for a scholarship fund.
New Business: A summer meeting at the windmill farm above Pittston is being planned. Bob Reite suggested having a meeting at the Murgas Hamfest, Joe Glynn said he would poll the membership to see if there was any interest.
Presentation: Representaves from Sony gave a presentation on the MVS-800A SD/HD production switcher, the HDC1500 camera and the XDcamHD disc system.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
secretary, SBE chapter 2
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 4:10 PM
The minutes of the March 2006 meeting were read and approved
Treasurer's Report: The current balance is about $1000, Dielectric contributed $100 and Lucid contributed $100 to the chapter scholarship fund.
Old Business: John Koons was ill and could not attend the SBE National meeting. The trip to the windmill farm is being held up due to issues with liability insurance. Joe Glenn will contact SBE National and see if the national organization provides liability coverage for the local chapters.
New Business: A $250 scholarship has been awarded to a student from LCCC. Possible presentations for future meetings include HD radio and FM Extra.
Presentation: The presentation was the S.M.A.R.T. career fair held earlier at LCCC
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
secretary, SBE chapter 2
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 7:10 PM
The minutes of the August 2006 meeting were read and approved
Treasurer's Report: The current balance is about $1022.74 after awarding scholarships to Cory Katz of L.C.C.C. and Mark Novac of Johnstone Community College.
Old Business: John Koons was ill and could not attend the SBE National meeting. The trip to the windmill farm is being held up due to issues with liability insurance. Joe Glenn will contact SBE National and see if the national organization provides liability coverage for the local chapters.
New Business: There were no items of new business.
The last item for the business portion of the meeting was the election of officers and appointment of chairpersons for 2007. There were no nominations for any offices other than the incumbants. By unanimous ballot, the following officers were elected for 2007:
Presentation: Our guest speaker for the evening was Lamar Smith of Entercom Communications, giving an overview of how to implement HD Radio.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
secretary, SBE chapter 2