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March 1, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:04 PM

Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the December 29, 2009 meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report: The current balance is $549.96

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: We have currently been giving scholarships to LCCC and Johnstone College. We never hear back from LCCC, but Johnstone College always thanks us (both the student and the college itself) Due to our limited fund we have only been able to give $150 to each college, as compared with $300 each in years past. Upon motion duly made and seconded, SBE Chapter 2 voted unanimously to delete LCCC and give a $300 scholarship to Johnstone College.

Presentation: Harris gave a presentation titled "Loudness Control, It's Not Just a Good Idea, It's the Law".

Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite

March 9, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:04 PM

Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the March 1, 2011 meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report: The treasurer was not present

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: Only Joe Glenn, Bob Reite and Barry Erick were the only members present at this meeting. Joe or Bob will need to look up the SBE bylaws to determine if we even had a quorum for this meeting.

Presentation: Those present attended the NEPA Tech Expo.

Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite

June 28, 2011

The secretary was unable to attend due to flooding. No minutes were taken for this meeting, but a sign in sheet was filled out.

Presentation: The MPEG101 Broadcast Certification course was given via Webinar at WVIA studios.

November 10, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:22 PM

Minutes of last meeting: No minutes were taken at the last meeting. Previous meeting minutes have been posted on the web site.

Treasurer's Report: The previous balance was $399.98. We received a chapter rebate check of $227.33 for a new balance of $627.31

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: The date to hold the December Holiday Party meeting was discussed. Pete gave us a list of available dates. The members present chose Wednesday December 21 as their first choice and Tue December 20 for their second choice. The time will be 7:00 PM on either date.

Presentation: The chapter held a round table discussion about the outcome of the first ever "live code" test of the EAS on November 9, 2011.

Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite

November 29, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:06 PM

Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the November 10th meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report: There was no activity since the last meeting so the balance still stands at $627.31

Old Business: The Holiday party is set for December 21, 2001 at 7 p.m. Mike will submit the menu request today.

New Business: Our contact person at Dielectric Communications has been laid off so the status of the sponsorship is unknown. Joe Glynn will follow up on finding out who is now responsible for sponsorship decisions.

Presentation: Jon Powell of Advanced Fiber Products gave a presentation on fiber optic transmission as it relates to TV broadcast.

Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite

21 December, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 7:20 PM

Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the November 29th meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report: There was no activity since the last meeting so the balance still stands at $627.31

Old Business: There was no old business

New Business: Joe Glynn wants to have monthly meetings next year. Topics for presentations were suggested by various members. They include The C.A.L.M. act, EAS/CAP, Spectrum Auctions, Microwave allocations and possibly changing the LP-1 designation for Luzerne County.

Chapter 2 Elections: There being no other candidates for the various offices the incumbents were elected by unanimous ballot as follows: Chairman Joe Glynn, Vice Chairman Pete Sakowski, Secretary Robert Reite, Treasurer, John Koons.
The following committee chairman wer appointed. Certification Joe Glynn, Frequency Coordination Mike Morchavich, Webmaster Robert Reite. Chapter 2 has no membership chairman or newsletter editor.

Presentation: There was no presentation.

Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite

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