March 27, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:10 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the December 21, 2011 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: There was no activity since the last meeting, so the current balance is still $627.31
Old Business: There was no old business.
New Business: The next two meetings will be in May and June.
Presentation: Davicom gave a presentation of transmitter site remote control systems including an AM/FM broacast monitor.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:02 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the March 27, 2012 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: $66.00 income from Chirstmas Party Payment for non-members. $300.00 was donated to Johnson College for a scholarship. so the current balance is now $387.31
Old Business: There was no payment received from our sponsoers, Joe Glynn will cotact them.
New Business: The next meeting will be in late May or June with Natuel as the persenter.
Presentation: John Carapella of Axon USA Inc. gave a presentation on implemetning the CALM act.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:06 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the May 9, 2012 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: There were no transactions since the last meeting so the current balance is still $387.31
Old Business: The person in charge of donations at SPX (our sponsor) is out of town, Joe Glynn will still keep trying to contact him.
New Business: None
Presentation: Nautel gave a presentation of the Nautel "phone home" trouble reporting system and the NV-LT series of analog only FM transmitters.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
President Joe Glynn opened the meeting shortly after 1 PM by announcing that our program for the afternoon had been canceled because the presenter had been held up in Virginia and was still there at 12:20 PM. Joe also said that secretary Bob Reite was not able to make it to the meeting and there would be no reading of the last meeting's minutes. Joe then called on Treasurer Jon Koons to give the finiancial report. Jon indicated that in June we receiveance to $626.31. Joe then asked for any new business and Jon Koons mentioned that he had attended the Johnson College Scholarship luncheon in October and that the students seemed to appreciate him being present. Jon suggested that the chapter should make an effort to send one of the officers to the Scholarship luncheon every year. Pete Sakowski indicated that arrangements had been made for the annual Christmas party and that a date would be shortly announced. There being no fud our chapter rebate of $214.00 and that in September we received a $25 contribution from Gary Koerner, one of the founding members of SBE chapter 2. This brought our balrther business the meeting was adjourned and everyone enjoyed their lunch at Salerno's Cafe.
Respectfully submitted
Joe Glynn
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 7:20 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the November 8th meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: There was no activity since the last meeting so the balance still stands at $626.31
Old Business: We received a thank you letter from the student at Johnson College that received our scholarship. We also received a belated thank you letter from LCCC, it has been over two years since we gave a scholarship to a student at LCCC.
New Business: We should be able to have our next chapter meeting in January.
Chapter 2 Elections: There being no other candidates for the various offices the incumbents were elected by unanimous ballot as follows: Chairman Joe Glynn, Vice Chairman Pete Sakowski, Secretary Robert Reite, Treasurer, John Koons.
The following committee chairman were appointed.
Certification Joe Glynn, Frequency Coordination Mike Morchavich, Webmaster Robert Reite. Chapter 2 has no membership chairman or newsletter editor.
Presentation: Harris Corp gave a presentation on video and audio over IP.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite