February 17, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:05 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the December 17, 2015 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer was absent, therefore there was no treasurey report.
Old Business: No new development on the "Rails to Trails" road access to the Penobscot Knob site.
New Business: The new email server may have some issues. Members should try to resubsribe to the list if they are not getting meeting notices.
Presentation: Mr. Steve Tullo of TVONE demonstrated the CORIO Master Video Wall processor.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
June 28, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:03 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the February 17, 2016 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: $300.00 was sent to Johnson College for the scolarship program leaving a net balance of $243.38
Old Business: The email issues with the new server have been resolved. Access to the Penobscot Knob via the eastern road is still in progress.
New Business: There was no new business.
Presentation: ATP WorldCast gave a presentaton on making audio over IP more reliable by using multiple diverse providers.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
October 20, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:01 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the June 28, 2016 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: The $196.25 chapter rebate was received giving a net balance of $439.63
Old Business: There was no old business.
New Business: "Harvest Bounty" was chosen as the meal for our holiday party dinner, date to be announced.
Presentation: There was no formal presentation this month. Robert Reite will give a presentation on the results of the National EAS test last September.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
November 16, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:00 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the October 20, 2016 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: There was no activity since the last meeting so the Chapter 2 treasury remains at $439.63
Old Business: There was no old business.
New Business: December 16th at 7:00 PM will be the date and time of the annual SBE Chapter 2 holiday party.
Presentation: Robert Reite moderated an "After Action Report" of the National Periodic Test of the EAS on September 28, 2016
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite
December 16, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 7:26 PM
Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the November 16, 2016 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: There was no activty since the last meeting so the balance stands at $439.63 However Joe Glynn has a $100 donation in hand from Gary Conner.
Old Business: There was no old business.
New Business: Tom visiting from SBE Chapter One suggested that lifetime SBE members donate what would be their dues to their local chapter. However Chapter 2 does not have any active lifetime members.
Chapter 2 Elections: There being no other candidates for the various offices the incumbents were elected by unanimous ballot as follows: Chairman Joe Glynn, Vice Chairman Pete Sakowski, Secretary Robert Reite and Treasurer Jon Koons.
The following committee chairman were appointed.
Certification Robert Reite, Frequency Coordination Mike Morkavage, Webmaster Robert Reite. Chapter 2 has no membership chairman or newsletter editor.
Presentation: There was no formal presentation, however Tom from Chapter One showed his collection of vintage radio sets and catalogs from the mid 20th century. Members and guests enjoyed a holiday dinner.
Respectfully submitted
Robert D. Reite