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February 7, 2019

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:00 am by Chairman Joe Glynn.
He welcomed the many guest and thanked WVIA for hosting the meeting. He then asked Tom Curra, WVIA CEO to say a few welcome words to the group.
Joe then asked for a motion to dispense with the formal portion of the meeting, which was approved.
He then introduced Mr. Fred Baumgartner to the group. Fred then gave a two-hour long presentation on ATSC3.0. We adjourned the meeting around 12:15 pm where pizza and soda were provided to the attendees.

Respectfully submitted
Joe Glynn

August 14, 2019

Meeting Place: Bingham's Restaurant, Kingsley PA
Attendance: 10 Members, 4 Guests
Meeting called to order at 6:27 PM, special joint meeting with Chapters 1 & 2.

Secretary's Report: Nothing to report

Treasurer' Report: Nothing to report

Old Business: Nothing to report

New Business:
The purpose of the joint meeting between Chapters one and two was to discuss mutual areas of interest that would strengthen the Chapters, and encourage membership and participation.

It was also mentioned that the Repack related technical issue between WNEP and the New York City Police Department would be handled during Phase-10.

Certification Report: Nothing to Report.

Program: Fellowship

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm

Meeting Minutes submitted by Secretary: Ron Cappiello

September 4, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:08 PM

Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the August 14th meeting were taken by the Chapter One secretary and we have not received a copy yet, so the minutes of the last meeting were not read.

Treasurer's Report: Since last reported, Chapter two received a $100.00 Donation from Dielectric as well as a $100 donation from GatesAir. Chapter two spent $212 on pizza for the February 7th meeting for a current balance of $258.57. Bob Reite was sent the rebate check for $244.50 which was handed to the Treasurer for deposit.

Old Business: Somehow our chapter report got lost by the National SBE Office, which is why the rebate check was delayed. The Secretary found out that John Pora is the person to Email the reports to. We will use his email address for future chapter meeting reports.

New Business: Joe Glenn announced the name of the new SBE National President for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

Presentation: Bob Reite lead a discussion of the August 7th National EAS Test. He played a sample of the poor audio quality. Membeers discussed how the national EAS test went. Joe Glenn assured members that the audio level problem (too high) will be fixed by the next national test.

October 3, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:19 PM

Minutes of the September 4th meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer's report: After depositing the $244.50 chapter rebate check, the current balance is now $503.03

Old Business: None

New Business: SBE Mailing List: Bob Reite reported on several "unverfied" subscribers who signed up but did not complete the process so they are not getting the meeting notices. Joe Glenn will contact the members directly to ascertain their interest.

Presentation: Al Kornack of JVC gave a presentation of the "Connected Cam" product line which uses a bonded LTE uplink system eliminating the need for a satellite uplink.

November 21, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 1:16 PM

Minutes of the October 3rd meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer's report: There was no actvity since the last meeting so the balance is still $503.03

Old Business: None

New Business: The membership unanimously decided to have "Thanksgiving Feast" again for the Holiday meal on December 19th.

Presentation: Ken Metclaf gave a presentation of the new SMPTE standards for video over IP and recent efforts of the AMWA group for IP based system interoperability.

December 19, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Joe Glynn at 7:25 PM

Minutes of last meeting: The minutes of the November 21, 2019 meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report: There was no actvity since the last meeting so the balance still stands at $503.03

Old Business: There was no old business.

New Business: It was proposed that we have another joint meeting with Chapter 1 similar to earlier this year sometime in 2020. It was also proposed to have a joint meeting with Chapter 41 in Harrisburg. Perahps have a meeting with all three chapters, 1, 2 and 41.

Chapter 2 Elections: There were two candidates for Chairman. Joe Glynn and Al Kornak. Joe really did not want to be Chairman yet again, so Al Kornak was elected Chairman for 2020. Joe Glynn was elected to the position of Vice Chairman. There were no other candidates for the other two offices so Secretary Robert Reite and Treasurer Jon Koons were reelected.

The following committee chairman were appointed. Certification Robert Reite, Frequency Coordination Mike Morkavage, Webmaster Robert Reite. Chapter 2 has no membership chairman or newsletter editor.

Presentation: There was no formal presentation. Members and guests enjoyed the holiday dinner.

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