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March 6, 2024

Min from last meeting none, Bob Reite could not attend.

Treasury Report: $434.81 $300 to Johnson College… Joe G approved … Mike M 2nd. From Jon Koons: Thought I should clarify the treasure's report since my audio wasn't coming through at the meeting. On Feb 23 I funded our Johnson College scholarship for $300 which brought our balance to $434.81 cents. In looking over the Dec. meeting minutes I see that it was mentioned that Joe Glynn contributed $25 to the chapter which I was not aware of but I also contributed $25 which was not mentioned. Since I have not received Joe's check the previously mentioned balance of $434.81 is correct. One other thing: It was also mentioned in the Dec meeting minutes that it was decided to increase the Johnson College scholarship to $400. Well folks you should let your treasurer know about something like that if you actually want the money sent to Johnson College to increase. Seems we have a bit of a communications problem.

Old Business: None

New Business: EAS Updates taking place in PA. Joe G, Mark Ruddy (WVIA) and Al will be going to NAB in April 2024

Adjourn SBE Meeting portion 1:17 PM

Presentation: David Neff Anywave Communcations. ATSC 3.0.

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