Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held its annual Christmas party / meeting in the TV studio of the Communications Wing of St Thomas Hall at the University of Scranton. In keeping with tradition, members of Chapter One from Binghamton NY joined us to help celebrate the Christmas season. Chairman Sakoski brought the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. The reading of the minutes was waived due to time considerations. Treasurer Glynn indicated that our present checking account balance was $640.75. Chairman Sakoski announced the following nominations for officers for Chapter Two: Chairman- Ron Schacht, Vice Chairman-Joe Glynn, Treasurer- Mark Rutkowski, Secretary- Jon Koons. To be added to the Board of Directors: Joe Scheff, Chuck Sakoski and Jon Koons. Chairman Sakoski suggested that all nominees be elected. There were no objections.
With the business portion of the meeting concluded everyone got down to the serious business of enjoying the dinner catered by the University of Scranton staff. After dinner Pete Sakoski offered to give a tour of the Communications Wing of the University of Scranton. Many joined Pete for the tour and the 1998 Christmas meeting came to an end.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held its November meeting at the studios of WBRE/WYOU, Wilkes-Barre, PA on November 16, 1998. Chairman Sakoski brought the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Mark Rutkowski read the minutes from the October meeting. The minutes were accepted as read. Treasurer Joe Glynn was not present but Chairman Sakowski indicated that our chapter received $100.00 from chapter 22 for our efforts in promoting their regional convention.
Next there was a discussion of the price to be charged for the dinner portion of the December meeting. Consensus of opinion was that it should be $5 for members and $10 for nonmembers. This was in line with the expected cost and was adopted.
Chairman Sakowski indicated that election of officers needed to be held soon and a decision was made to hold the election at the December meeting when the attendance is traditionally highest. Chairman Sakowski also indicated that Joe Risse has agreed to handle nominations for the various offices. Please contact Joe with any nominations. He can be reached at
At the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting, Chairman Sakoski introduced the speaker for the evening, Mr. Barry Eric of WBRE/WYOU. Mr. Eric presented a very informative and interesting description of Nexstars shared services agreement and the reconstruction that that entailed. There was a discussion of the operations of the two stations particularly in the area of engineering. Mr Eric then lead the group on a tour of the combined studios of WBRE/WYOU.
Chairman Sakoski thanked Mr. Eric for his excellent presentation, and adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held a meeting at the Quinn's MicroAge, Moosic, PA on October 5, 1998. Chairman Sakoski brought the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. A motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. All present agreed. Treasurer Joe Glynn gave the financial report, indicating that our present balance was $349.00
At the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting, Chairman Sakoski introduced the speaker for the evening, Mr. William Veldshteyn , Technical Consultant for Quinn's MicroAge. Mr. Veldshteyn presented a very informative and interesting description of Microsofts new operating system Windows 98, followed by an informative question and answer session in one of Quinns training rooms. The focus of the session evolved into a discussion of the Y2K problem and its implications for broadcasters.
Chairman Sakoski thanked Mr. Veldshteyn for his excellent presentation, and adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held a meeting at the Luzerne County 911 Center on September 14, 1998. Chairman Sakoski brought the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked for the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Secretary Jon Koons read the minutes, and Treasurer Joe Glynn gave the financial report, indicating that our present balance was $349.00. Joe also mentioned that Cossas Music and Sound was interested in doing a program on audio workstations at a future meeting, and that he would work out the details.
On a personal note, Joe indicated that he would shortly have to give up his position as Treasurer of Chapter Two, and urged that elections be held to find a replacement. Joe had one other announcement: Ron Schacht will be returning to Northeast Pennsylvania, to assume the duties of Chief Engineer at WNEP.
At the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting, Chairman Sakoski
introduced the speaker for the evening, Mr. Joe Scheff, Technical Support Supervisor for
the Luzerne County 911 Center. Joe took everyone for a very informative and
interesting tour of the recently completed center, followed by a lengthy question and
answer session in one of the training rooms.
Chairman Sakoski thanked Joe for his excellent presentation, and adjourned the
meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast Engineers held a luncheon meeting at the Conference Center at Luzerne County Community College on July 13, 1998. Lunch was at noon and at 12:30 PM Chairman Sakoski brought the meeting to order. Considering that many present were on their lunch hour Chairman Sakoski dispensed with the business portion of the meeting and moved directly to the afternoon's program.
The speaker for the day was Mr. Robert Dushok, Microcomputer Specialist/Internet System Administrator for Luzerne County Community College. Bob's topic was broadcasting audio via the internet. He began with an overview of the two main webcasting servers, Netscape Media server and Progressive Networks Real server, also known as Real Audio. Bob also covered the quality versus bandwidth tradeoff and the minimum type of connection required for a Webcasting server. After a lengthy question and answer period Chairman Sakoski adjourned the meeting at 1:20 PM.
Chapter Two of the Society of Broadcast engineers held a luncheon meeting at the Mark II
restaurant in Moosic, PA. on June 15, 1998. Chairman Sakoski brought the meeting to order
at 1:05 PM. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Jon Koons and
Treasurer Joe Glynn indicated that as of May 10 our account balance stood at $344.13.
Rather than a formal program the members and guests of Chapter 2 gathered at the Mark II restaurant for lunch and a round table discussion on various topics. Among the various subjects discussed were ideas of how to get more young people involved, not only in the SBE, but in broadcasting in general and how important starting salaries were in attracting new people to the profession.
Joe Glynn (Frequency coordinator for the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area) talked briefly on how difficult frequency coordination has become in this area partly due to the lack of updated information. Everyone agreed that our data base of active frequencies needed to be updated and a discussion of how best to accomplish this followed. Chairman Sakoski brought the meeting to a close at 2:05 PM.
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